Managed by the Katharine Susannah Prichard (KSP) Foundation Inc, the KSP Writers' Centre is a vibrant not-for-profit incorporated organisation and registered DGR charity located in the Perth Hills region of Western Australia. The Foundation was formed in 1985 to preserve Katharine's Place at 11 Old York Road and run it as a Centre dedicated to writing development, the promotion of writers and literature, and to preserve the heritage-listed home and legacy of celebrated Australian author Katharine Susannah Prichard (1883-1969).

The KSP Writers' Centre is proud to present this annual open theme short fiction competition for young Australian writers, which is FREE to enter thanks to sponsorship from the Shire of Mundaring. Results will be announced at an awards ceremony in December and published on social media and the KSP website thereafter. 

Queries: Office hours are 10am-2pm, Mon-Fri. / 08 9294 1872

Prizes *subject to discretion of judge*  
First place: Certificate with $100 prize
Second place: Certificate with $50 prize
Up to five highly commended and commended certificates  
Mundaring National Young Writers encouragement award for under 14s with $25 prize
Select entrants invited to read their story at KSP’s Awards Ceremony at the Centre or via Zoom, early in December.


The KSP Writers' Centre is proud to present this annual open theme short fiction competition for Australian writers, supported by the Shire of Mundaring. Results will be announced at an awards ceremony in December and published on social media and the KSP website thereafter.
Queries: Office hours are 10am-2pm, Mon-Fri. / 08 9294 1872

Prizes *subject to discretion of judge*  
First place: Certificate with $300 prize and weekend residency at KSP Writers' Centre
Second place: Certificate with $150 prize
Up to five highly commended and commended certificates  

Shire of Mundaring Encouragement Award for local writer (residents of Bailup, Beechina, Bellevue, Boya, Chidlow, Darlington, Glen Forrest, Gorrie, Greenmount, Helena Valley, Hovea, Mahogany Creek, Malmalling, Midvale, Mount Helena, Mundaring, Parkerville, Sawyers Valley, Stoneville, Swan View, The Lakes and Wooroloo): Membership to the KSP Writers' Centre.

Select entrants invited to read an extract of their story at KSP’s Awards Ceremony at the Centre or via Zoom, early in December.

The KSP Writers' Centre is proud to present this annual open theme poetry competition for young Australian writers, which is FREE to enter thanks to sponsorship from the Shire of Mundaring. Results will be announced at an awards ceremony in December and published on social media and the KSP website thereafter. 

Queries: Office hours are 10am-2pm, Mon-Fri. / 08 9294 1872

Prizes *subject to discretion of judge*
First place: Certificate with $100 prize
Second place: Certificate with $50 prize
Up to five highly commended and commended certificates
Mundaring National Young Writers encouragement award for under 14s with $25 prize
Select entrants invited to read their story at KSP’s Awards Ceremony at the Centre or via Zoom, early in December.


The KSP Writers' Centre is proud to present this annual open theme poetry competition for Australian writers, supported by the Shire of Mundaring. Results will be announced at an awards ceremony in December and published on social media and the KSP website thereafter.
Queries: Office hours are 10am-2pm, Mon-Fri. / 08 9294 1872

Prizes *subject to discretion of judge*
First place: Certificate with $300 prize and weekend residency at KSP Writers' Centre
Second place: Certificate with $150 prize
Up to five highly commended and commended certificates

Shire of Mundaring Encouragement Award for local poet (residents of Bailup, Beechina, Bellevue, Boya, Chidlow, Darlington, Glen Forrest, Gorrie, Greenmount, Helena Valley, Hovea, Mahogany Creek, Malmalling, Midvale, Mount Helena, Mundaring, Parkerville, Sawyers Valley, Stoneville, Swan View, The Lakes and Wooroloo): Membership of the KSP Writers' Centre


The KSP Writers' Centre is proud to present this annual open theme poetry competition for unpublished West Australian writers over the age of 18. This award is sponsored by KSP-member Flora Smith in memory of her cousin Annette Cameron, life-long friend of Katharine Susannah Prichard.

Definition of 'unpublished': The entrant has never published a full collection of poetry either in print or online.

Results will be announced at an awards ceremony in December and published on social media and the KSP website thereafter. Shortlisted entrants may be contacted prior to the awards ceremony with an invitation to attend and read an extract of their entry. Fee: $10; Limit of one entry per person. 

Queries: Office hours are 10am-2pm, Mon-Fri. / 08 9294 1872.

Prizes *subject to discretion of judge*

First place: Certificate with $150 prize
Up to three highly commended and commended certificates
Select entrants invited to read their story at KSP’s Awards Ceremony at the Centre or via Zoom.

KSP Writers' Centre